
Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Fun family facts.

For summer learning journey we had to write a fun facts about each of our family members.Hope you enjoy. 


  1. Hey Lesieli

    My name is Sarah and I go to Glen Innes School
    This really teaches me a lot about your family, your family sounds loving and caring. What do you have in common with your family?

  2. Hey there Lesieli, happy new year! Thanks for completing another activity and doing so in a really creative way. It's awesome reading about your family while seeing their faces. I love the fonts you have used as well, they contrast really effectively.

    It sounds as though you have a really lovely and caring family.

    What sort of things do they do in the summer?

    Can you also share some interesting facts about yourself!?

    Thanks, Billy

    1. Hi Billy
      all of my siblings and my parents like to go to the beach
      or the park to hang out there.Fun facts about me Funny and love to learn new things and also love blogging.

    2. Hey Lesieli, thanks for sharing. I can tell you love blogging because you're always posting interesting comments and activities!

      What's your best joke?

      Thanks, Billy
