
Tuesday, 26 December 2017

# Big Family or # Small Family.

For the summer learning journey we had to think about if we would have a big family yes or no and why.Here is my answer.

I would have a big family: yes or no.yes because you can play with each other and no because there will be heaps of mess to clean up.
I would have a small family: yes or no.Yes because there is less mess to clean.


  1. Hey thanks for posting another activity and sharing your opinion about whether it would be good or bad having nine siblings. Personally, I think nine might be too many. It might get a little squashed and I wouldn't imagine you would have your own room or a lot of private space.
    However, you would always have enough players for games, sports and activities.

    Do you have a big family?

    Thanks, Billy

  2. Hi Billy I only have 4 siblings pales me and my mum and dad so that is 7 members of my family.I have I have one sister in law and two brother in law.

  3. Hey Lesieli

    My name is Sarah and I go to Glen Innes School
    Wonderful work you have done. Do you have a big family?

  4. Hi sarah Thank you I don't have a really big family but I have 4 siblings and my parents.Do you have a big family.
