
Sunday, 13 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey W3(Up, Up and Away

Hi There you are about to see something awesome. Why don't you click on this slide show and read about some interesting things about Up, Up, and away Summer Learning Journey Week 3.
Hope you guys enjoy it. 


  1. Hi Lesieli

    Another great collection of blog posts for week three. Way to go!

    I love the places that you have suggested. In particular going to Piha and strawberry picking. I love going strawberry picking. I always have too many after I go and make jam with the leftovers.

    What a comprehensive (detailed) list of foods that you would put down your sink. I like the way your options will not only help the planet but keep your house clean e.g. getting rid of mouldy food from the fridge. The smell of mouldy and rotten food can be disgusting. Have you ever smelt a rotten egg? That is horrible.

    I had a good laugh reading your post about super powers. Being able to get things for free or at a discounted price is brilliant. What kind of things would you use it to buy?

    It was raining this morning. Did you get a chance to do any of the wet weather activities that you listed on your blog? I love building forts. I used to build them in the lounge all the time and put the TV into the fort. I would sit in the fort and watch movies. Have you ever done this?

    Only one more week of the Summer Learning Journey to go. I can't wait to read you last post.

    Have a great week.

    1. Hi Izzy,
      Yes it was raining today so I did do some of the activities I Said like read, play music and dance, I also ate played and talk to some of my friends.I have built a fort but I didn't put the T.V in front of it I just used my laptop. Thank you for reading it.

  2. Hello Lesieli

    My name is Daniel and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey program. Well done on completing all of the third week! I like how you put all of the activities into a presentation so the blog post is super long. Which beach/beaches would you recommend to the tourists? Also, the bird that you drew looks really cool - I love how you made it by using the squares that are on the paper. Anyway, keep up the awesome work Lesieli!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Lesieli,

    Happy that your doing this!, smart way of putting the week activities in one slide. Keep it up!


  5. Hi Lesieli...great to see you blogging on the SLJ. There's still some time to complete the activities before school begins - how many more can you get done? Keep up the great work.
